AE Errors报错 10::65 – Audio output problem. The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the Capabilities function to determine the support formats.
10 :: 65 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Audio output problem. The specified format is not supported or&nb...
AE Errors报错 10::65 – Error opening file " "%s’.sound channel — cant’ open QuickTime handler (-2004).
10 :: 65 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Error opening file " "%s’.sound channel — cant’...
AE Errors报错 10::48 – After Effects error: Unimplemented function.
10 :: 48 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Unimplemented function. 报错信息说明: After Effects不支持该媒体格式的扩展功能。 报错的可能原因: 对...
AE Errors报错 10::44 – Opening sound component (-2166)
10 :: 44 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Opening sound component (-2166) 报错信息说明: 该声音文件或视频文件所包含的音频不是After E...
AE Errors报错 10::21 – Retrieving movie from file "*.swf" — invalid QuickTime media (-2008).
10 :: 21 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Retrieving movie from file "*.swf" — invalid QuickTime ...
AE Errors报错 10::21 – Retrieving movie from " " — no Quicktime movie found (-2048).
10 :: 21 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Retrieving movie from " " — no Quicktime movie fo...
AE Errors报错 7::6 – After Effects error: Could not create A×B image buffer.
7 :: 6 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Could not create A×B image buffer. 报错信息说明: 计算机的系统不足以来渲染一个图...
AE Errors报错 7::66 – Could not create A×B image buffer.
7 :: 66 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Could not create A×B image buffer. 报错信息说明: 计算机系统不足以渲染一个图层上...
AE Errors报错 7::39 – Could not create A×B image buffer.
7 :: 39 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Could not create A×B image buffer. 报错信息说明: 计算机系统内存不够来渲染一个图...
AE Errors报错 7::26 – Could not create A×B image buffer.
7 :: 26 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Could not create A×B image buffer. 报错信息说明: 计算机系统内存不够来渲染一个图...
AE Errors报错 3::141 – Writing to file “$filename” (1450)
3 :: 141 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Writing to file “$filename” (1450) 报错信息说明: 当前程序无法写入文件到磁盘。...
AE Errors报错 3::6 – Reading from file " " – unexpected end of file.
3 :: 6 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Reading from file " " – unexpected end of file. 报...