AE Errors报错 21::22 – Preference [Options Normal] ‘Frame Rate’ is 312 bytes, max allowed is 255 bytes.
21 :: 22 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Preference [Options Normal] ‘Frame Rate’ is 312 bytes, max...
AE Errors报错 21::22 – Preference [Quicktime 64-bit Input Codecs] “NO16” is 1230860 Bytes, max allowed is 63 bytes.
21 :: 22 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Preference [Quicktime 64-bit Input Codecs] “NO16” is 1230860&nb...
AE Errors报错 25::60 – $$$/Mondo/SystemError/Mac/ fnfErr=The file or directory could not be found. (512)
25 :: 60 报错提示信息: After Effects error: $$$/Mondo/SystemError/Mac/ fnfErr=The file or directory could not be f...
AE Errors报错 23::44 – After Effects error: Wait for semaphore failed.
23 :: 44 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Wait for semaphore failed. 报错信息说明: 在进行After Effects操作时一个关键过程失败了。 报错的可能原...
AE Errors报错 25::241 – The Glow effect can only use the “Original Colors” for a glow when
25 :: 241 报错提示信息: After Effects error: The Glow effect can only use the “Original Colors” f...
AE Errors报错 25::16 – Fatal error, internal component damaged
25 :: 16 报错提示信息: Fatal error, internal component damaged 报错信息说明: 致命错误:内部组件被损坏。关键的程序组件已损坏,无法运行After Effe...
AE Errors报错 25::7 – After Effects can’t continue: Internal structure inconsistency (seq)
25 :: 7 报错提示信息: After Effects can’t continue: Internal structure inconsistency (seq) 报错信息说明: After Effects程序...
AE Errors报错 23::33 – After Effects error: Bad tracked memory ID.
23 :: 33 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Bad tracked memory ID. 报错信息说明: 内部分配过程中导致After Effects尚未控制的内存区域发...
AE Errors报错 25::240 – (empty panel) – – (空面板)
25 :: 240 报错提示信息: - (empty panel) - - (空面板) - 报错信息说明: 插件运用失败。 报错可能原因: 可能是任何原因导致。但在...
AE Errors报错 25::237 – Brightness & Contrast returned invalid max_result_rect
25 :: 237 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Brightness & Contrast returned invalid max_result_rect from PF_Cmd_SMA...
AE Errors报错 25::221 – Unknown internal error (-512).
25 :: 221 报错提示信息: After Effects warning: Unknown internal error (-512). 报错信息说明: After Effects警告:未知内部错误。内部功能...
AE Errors报错 25::101 – Not enough memory to complete operation. (4)
25 :: 101 报错提示信息: After Effects error: Not enough memory to complete operation. (4) 报错信息说明: After Effects...