住房贷款的用途是( AD)
住房贷款的用途是( AD)A.购买住房 B.住房装修 C.建造住宅 D.买卖房屋进行投机E.购买汽车
The balance of payments system
The balance of payments systemA.is another method for calculating GDP.B.insures that the net exports are always equal to zero.C.measures the total value of a domestic economy's t...
Which of the following are true in terms
Which of the following are true in terms of the current account balance?A.Monetary expansion increases the current accountB.Monetary expansion decreases the current accountC.Fiscal...
风险控制的间接成本是( ABC )
在财产保险合同中,保险事故发生后造成被保险人死亡的,保险金请求权由( D )行使。A.被保险人指定受益人 B.投保人指定受益人C.被保险人的债权人 D.被保险人的继承人
下列属于海洋货物运输保险水渍险的保险责任的有( AC )
A.自然灾害造成货物的全损或推定全损 B.运输延迟引起的损失或费用C. 意外事故造成货物的全部损失或部分损失 D.货物串味损失
通过发行优先股来增加银行资本具有以下好处(ACE )。
通过发行优先股来增加银行资本具有以下好处(ACE )。A.不影响股东对银行的控制权 B.成本较低 C.股息固定,可获得杠杆收益D.市场性较好 E.不会稀释股东权益
商业银行的负债结构主要由( ABCDE )组成。
商业银行的负债结构主要由( ABCDE )组成。A.存款 B.信托存款 C.借入款 D.结算浮存资金 E.同业存款
表外业务具有( ABCD)特点。
表外业务具有( ABCD)特点。A、灵活性大 B、规模庞大 C、交易集中 D、盈亏巨大 E、透明度高
Compute how many dollars it would
Compute how many dollars it would cost to buy an Edinburgh Woolen Mill sweater costing 50 British pounds for the following exchange rates:Exchange RatePrice of a sweater inBritish ...
a temporary fiscal expansion would increase output
Using a figure, show that under full employment, a temporary fiscal expansion would increase output (over-employment) but cannot increase output in the longAnswer: A temporarily fi...